Yeo Valley Personalised Chopping Boards

| 3rd Nov

Make Me Something Special began life selling personalised chopping boards to the trade and over the years we have supplied to some great companies, well established restaurants and talented chefs.

Our most recent bespoke chopping board project was making a large batch of engraved wooden chopping boards for the Organic British Dairy company Yeo Valley.

Similar to the oak chopping boards we created for Emma Bridgewater, the oak boards were thick, durable, and hand-crafted from a single piece of Super Prime English Oak and featured the comply logo and message.

Yeo Valley Personalised Chopping Boards from

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The oak chopping board is made from a single piece of 45mm thick beautiful and flawless English Oak, hand selected by us to make sure each board was absolutely perfect. No knots, no defects just stunning honey golden oak.

The logo in the bottom right corner is carved precisely into the oak even the smallest lettering ‘FAMILY FARM’ which measures only 2 millimetres tall and approximately 0.2 of a millimetre deep, but still as clear as if it had been written on paper.

Yeo Valley Personalised Chopping Boards from

Carved to replicate the company logo perfectly. This is what makes Make Me Something Special stand our from the crowd – when we do a job we are proud to put our name to it. We make sure everything is spot on, down to the smallest letter and glass-smooth finish of each wooden chopping board.

Yeo Valley Personalised Chopping Boards from

Something else we do… is deliver on time.

When it comes to personalised chopping boards or any of our wooden gifts, you can imagine there is many changes that take place. The choice of timber, the over all size, the engraved lettering, the size of the engraved lettering and where it goes. Copying the company’s logo so it is recognisable even at a glance.

All of this is agreed by a digital preview or mock-up design which is emailed for approval and in some cases, such as this particular commission, a free sample is made. Nothing is left to chance. It has to be perfect.

Yeo Valley Personalised Chopping Boards from

Each bespoke oak chopping board featured the words ‘Thank Yeo’ on the front and positioned in the far left corner, again in the companies unique font to match the logo. As we were making a considerable amount of chopping boards we make sure everything is consistent, as if it had been stamped.

Yeo Valley Personalised Chopping Boards from

This was a very enjoyable project and we like nothing more than creating a wooden product that goes far beyond the expectations of the customer.

We love nothing more than using good quality materials combined with good old fashioned craftsmanship to produce an end result that is unmatched.

Yeo Valley Personalised Chopping Boards from

If you are looking for good quality bespoke corporate gifts like these personalised chopping boards, look no further than here. Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements by filling out our Contact Form or calling 01252 703 196.

See more personalised chopping boards.

About Davina

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Co founder of Make Me Something Special and full of creative ideas

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