Wooden Salt and Pepper Pinch Pots

General | 10th Nov

Looking for some high quality wooden salt and pepper pints pots? At MakeMeSomethingSpecial, we manufacture our pinch pots in our Surrey Hills workshop in the UK, by hand, to order… and we are very good at it!

Wooden Salt and Pepper Pinch Pots from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

Shop Salt & Pepper Bowls

If you have never heard of us, we are Make Me Something Special, and we specialise in personalised wooden gifts.

We create wonderful, handcrafted wooden gifts in all shapes and sizes and for all different occasions. If you are after quality, let me tell you a bit about why our wooden salt & pepper bowls are so good.

Wooden Salt and Pepper Pinch Pots from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

We use the finest timber on the planet to make all of our wooden gifts. Be it our oak chopping boards, our oak garden swings or these stunning wooden salt and pepper pinch pots, we hand select every single piece of timber we use to guarantee the quality is just so.

Wooden Salt and Pepper Pinch Pots from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

Another reason is our flawless finish. If you have seen or used wooden salt cellars before, they do not compare to our solid oak salt and pepper pinch pots. We spend many hours shaping and finishing each individual piece by hand until it is perfect and silky smooth. We guarantee a glass-like finish with all of our products.

Wooden Salt and Pepper Pinch Pots from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

If you have a lot of oak in your home and want a different timber to set apart the wood from the trees, this is a great looking kitchen accessory.

If you have never used this way of seasoning your food, whilst cooking or at the table, you are going to love it. Its fun, no effort and always right there when yo need it. Perfect!

Wooden Salt and Pepper Pinch Pots from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

If you have any questions about our wooden salt and pepper pinch pots, take a look at our website or send us a message via our contact form or give us a call on 01252 703 196.

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Co founder of Make Me Something Special and full of creative ideas

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