Bespoke Options For Your Home: Wooden Phone Holder

Bespoke | 16th Jun

Good Morning All! After doing some pondering about what kind of blog series we could start, we came to the conclusion that we wanted to talk about great bespoke items and options for decorating your home.

So for today’s featured option, we wanted to begin with a fantastic item that’s quite convenient and fits almost everywhere in your home. It could live either in your front hallway, living room, kitchen, or bedroom.

Wooden Phone Holder from
Shop Phone & Tablet Trays
That item is our mini wooden phone holder. This is great to act as a command center for all your important paperwork like house bills or incoming mail and hold your electronics as well. Its ideal for sharing a place to hold you and your partner, best friend, or family member’s phone and tablets.

Our mini wooden phone holder and tablet stand features two phone stands and two large rear grooves that are the perfect fit of your tablet, kindle or notebook.  You don’t have to be concerned that your phone is too big to hold, its made to fit the current large mobile phones on the market.

Wood Phone Holder from

This beautiful Prime A Grade English Oak and Amish American Black Walnut piece comes with a sweet message/standard engraving ”HIS & HERS (ALWAYS IN SYNC)” as pictured above. But you can change it to reflect you and your partner’s first names, marriage date, or just terms of endearment like “Hubby” or “Mummy”, or maybe a child’s name or birthdate or even just fun symbols if its a gift for a child.

In our thoughts, this is an all around great bespoke multifunctional piece that we think would make a great addition to your home. If you’re interested in purchasing one for yourself please go to our wooden phone holder page.

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Ben Griffiths

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