Personalised Oak Doorstops

Uncategorized | 27th Jul

Look at our personalised oak doorstops… Tell us what you think.

personalised oak doorstops

Shop Doorstops

I have never seen a personalised oak doorstops that looks as good as these do.

Rustic, organic and very tactile. Fitted with rubber feet and a hand forged cast iron ring, these wooden doorstops are there to make an impression. Handmade from English Oak Beams, you will notice cracks in the oak. This is what makes our doorstops full of charm.

These engraved oak doorstops can be personalised with your choice of words or lettering, making them ideal wedding gifts or anniversary gifts. Personally, I think they are good as a ‘Treat yourself” purchase to add a personalised feel to your home.

Have one, two, three or all four sides engraved if you want and not just with engraved lettering. We have given you the option to add a big carved initial.

A huge engraved letter in the centre of the wooden doorstop. Any letter you wish. An order we made very recently had H O M E engraved over all four faces. Beautiful looking thing it was too.

A large carved heart:


These are just fantastic! A carved 3D heart motif, beautiful and deep with a smooth finish. Or just left plain if you choose.

oak doorstop makemesomethingspecial.co_.uk_

For indoor and outdoor, these solid oak doorstops will not let you down! They weight roughly between 3kg – 5kg depending on the timber, so they will be good at holding open fire doors and external doors with the wind blowing.

If you are wanting a good quality, long lasting oak doorstop, then this is it! The best oak doorstops on the market.

If you want to know more about our engraved wooden gifts UK, especially our personalised oak doorstops, how they are made, or to order one, please give us a call on 01252 703 196 and we can answer any questions you have.

Alternately, contact us by email on our contact form.

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Ben Griffiths

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