Eye Fitting


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Product Description: Eye Fitting

This is the best and most kindest way to hang your swing from a tree branch. Whether you have chosen one of our oak swings or not, these swing fittings make life so much easier when attaching your swing.

Anyone who knows about trees will tell you that the bark is the living part of the tree, unlike the hardwood inside. If you tie a rope around a tree branch this restricts the flow of sap, which is potentially harmful to the branch, especially if the rope rubs when your tree swing is in motion. With an eye fitting, this is not the case. Once you have drilled your hole through the middle of the branch and attached your eye fitting, these two small holes will fill over in a short space of time leaving the majority of the sap flow unrestricted. Simple!

All of our eye fittings are made to order. We will need to know your intended tree brach diameter when ordering.

An extremely high quality fitting that is large enough to hold a 20mm thick rope.

Priced Individually.

Please note: If you are ordering one of our children or larger garden swings with ropes on both sides of the swing seat, you will need two eye fittings.

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