Hand Carved Oak Acorn Finial

| 3rd Jun

Hand Carved Oak Acorn Finial:

Hand Carved Oak Acorn Finial from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

This beautiful hand carved oak acorn was commissioned by a customer who saw a little hand carved Oak and Walnut acorn we made for a previous commission for a jewellery project.

Hand Carved Oak Acorn Finial from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

This little acorn was carved from two pieces of timber joined together, English Oak and North American Black Walnut. This little wooden gift was no larger than a thimble and has to be the smallest gift we have made to date.

Hand Carved Oak Acorn Finial from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

This much larger oak acorn, however, is 25cm tall and weighs 5kg. It was commissioned as a decretive finial but would work so well as a wooden Doorstop.

Hand Carved Oak Acorn Finial from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

We show the whole process of how we made this particular wooden gift in our Blog. Take a look, it is very interesting process.

Just as teaser…

Hand Carved Oak Acorn Finial from MakeMeSomethingSpecial.com

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