Engraved Memorial Bench for a Golf Course

| 16th Aug

A very beautiful engraved memorial bench, positioned in a breath-taking spot.engraved-golf-course-benches-makemesomethingspecial-com

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We were recently asked to commission a very special personalised memorial park bench, to be placed Camberwell Golf Club, Cumberwell Park, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. 

This was a labour of love. We built this stunning solid teak bench for our client with an engraved lettering on both the top rail and front rail of the bench. The bench itself was constructed using traditional joinery methods and classic Mortise and Tenon joints in our Surrey Hills.


These images were taken by our client to show us the absolutely stunning position the bench was set – and my word, what a place to sit! We are very grateful we are able to see this for ourselves and share these images.

Our memorial benches are built with considerable care and attention to detail and are like no other engraved wooden bench you will find out there. This is simply because ours garden or park land benches are seriously thick and chunky – and with that, comes strength and stability and will last for many years. Yes you can buy a Teak bench for under £400.00 but there is generally a reason why they are this price, which is, mass production with thinner material and simpler construction. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has a budget when it comes to these things and general solid Teak garden furniture, on a whole is pretty good, but if you want something really special then you will receive exactly that you pay for with us. Yes, you will pay slightly more for it but it is worth it if you want perfection. MakeMeSomethingSpecial’s Garden benches are stunning!

And not just for the build quality but also when it comes to engraved lettering as well. We did manage to take a few images ourselves of the carved lettering before the bench left our workshop.






Here it is. Freshly sanded and ready to ship. The lettering, after careful consideration was carved in two places not the bench as I already mentioned. The first was at the top rail, spanning the whole 1.8 meters. This is our 3 seater memorial wooden bench but you can get four on at a push.

The engraved lettering with carved heat motifs, as you can see, is perfect. We spend a great deal of time cutting and finishing each letter making sure it all comes together and looks good. Even the carved hearts are a perfect size and depth. This kind of carving takes many hours and skill to get right.


The bench also had the front rail engraved with large lettering. ‘ENJOY THE VIEW’ and I now know what it means after seeing it for myself. It does make me want to drive down to the golf club, have a game of golf (though I am not very good) and see it for myself.



A very stunning example of what we do here at MakeMeSomethingSpecial. If you would like to discuss have an engraved memorial park bench made, then please do not hesitate to get it touch.

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