Dubarry Boots Boot Rack

| 29th Aug

Shop Welly Stands

We’ve been commissioned to make uniques and personalised gifts for many well establish companies over the years. This time, it was for Dubarry Boots of Ireland. If you’re not familiar with boots made by Dubarry, they’re a very high quality boot and footwear company from Ireland. If you’re the type that enjoys being in the open countryside or walking the dogs, there’s a good chance you’ve seen people wearing these boots. My wife Davina has a pair. They are the ones seen here hanging off this stunning engraved oak boot stand.


These personalised wooden boot stands really are something special! They’re handmade from extremely high quality solid English Oak and all manufactured by hand right here in our Surrey Hills workshop.

We select the very best pieces for the job, meaning each piece of timber we buy is quality checked. This is how we make sure that only the finest timber goes into our products. We make sure all defects and knots are kept to bare minimum which can be seen in these examples. We are all about the quality, the finish and attention to detail. Our boot stands come in many sizes and are available in a floor stand and a wall mounted boot rack. Both are the same price and are all made to order by hand. They can also both be personalised or left plain if required.


This is our wall mounted boot rack. It was made for Luxury family Hotels and hangs with many others in Moonfleet Manor in Weymouth.

As with the floor stand for boots, these can be made to hold 2 pairs up to 10 pairs, providing you have the space. They look fabulous indoors in a boot room or outside on a wall or under the porch. Dubarry also commissioned us to make a bespoke wall plaque of their logo in solid timber. It’s crafted from walnut and features gold paint infill. A 3D carving on a grand scale.


Engraving lettering and carving into wood is our speciality, and the bespoke works we produce are what make us different to other companies. We are always willing to create special one-off pieces to order and bespoke plaques is something we have been asked on many occasions to produce.

These engraved wooden wall plaques have been commissions by The National Trust, The Beatrix Potter Foundation, The Tolkien Trust, County Councils and The Armed Forces.

Want us to create you a bespoke wooden plaque similar to the ones on this page? Check out our personalised wooden plaques here in the shop.

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